Monday, January 18, 2010

The White Man's Burden

The White Man's Burden

They came to took over, changing our lifestyle, changing the way we dress, they way we act and in what we believe, yes they, the pale people, yes those with powerful weapons able to kill the strongest man with one shot.

What more do they want? They took my wife, my son, my daughter.
They sit back while they send my brothers(other tribes) to do their job and when I asked for what they said for some liquid drink called alcohol.

What more do they want? They are taking my land and my animals.
Eating, and killing them. They use their powerful weapons to kill animals and when I asked them why? They said it's a game we have at home. Killing all our animals, And they just let it rot there, at least they could have given it to someone who needed it.

They are sending all the children to Catholic/Protestant School. Why? To teach them about these stuff, maybe even telling them pale people are better.

They tried to convert me the other day, telling me that this religious is better. Is it?
They come, they destroy, they leave.

You try to reason with them, but you know how these pale people are. Arrogance runs in their blood.
If we fight they may kill us all with their weapons.
But al least we can try.

- Ganesh

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