Thursday, January 14, 2010

What does it mean to be human?

What does it mean to be human?
Their will never be a specific answer to the question because every body has their opinion about what it means to be human.
Some people may believe living their life to the fullest, like having fun just partying all night long, and some might believe
that they need to be someone important in life to be human. What I believe is that living your life with enjoyment and be someone
in life, accomplish something so that people will admire you. I also belive that we are send here to earth to do something because we are a special kind, where made by someone we call god.
Nobody has 100 % proof of that, but we believe that. One thing I know is that we will not now why we are existing, whats the purpose, or what is our mission to be a perfect human being? What is proven is that
nobody is the same, every one has their own set of skills, and that makes the human being survive because most of work together and we discover greater things. The symbol yin and yang shows a perfect example what it means
to be human, it shows the good side and the bad side, it shows the race of black and white. In the real world we have struggled many times with racism, but that makes us human. I think every one has to just live their life
and think whats best for them and what normally happens is that way the person lived his life could maybe have been a great help in life, or maybe not, but their is always something good what the person did and that goes for every one
and which makes us human.

By Traves Servage

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