Final Exam History 2010

What Does It mean to be HUMAN ?

There are different ways we view this world, there are different ways we live in this world. We all have opportunities we can do, we all come up with creative ideas, but yet we don’t show them all because we think it is crazy, we always follow a leader. Human beings are the easiest species to influence; if the leader says an apple is pink we believe that. The same way over time these so called great leaders created this life we all have to live in, and in this life you have to follow these set of rules which will make you successful in your life. Over generations it has been proved that this system has been working, but if you look closely there are two kinds of ways which people became successful. You have people that followed those set of rules and became someone very important, and you have people that never followed these rule, they lived their life according to their own idea, they didn’t follow everyone else and yet they also became someone very important or successful. I’m not saying that the standard where living now is bad, but it is making all of us non human. In the past people actually liked what they did, know and days if you ask a person do like your job, 60 % of the people will say no. If you tell them stop doing this job, they will say are you crazy! I have to do this to make money, I have to have a job otherwise people won’t respect me. This is something that is making all of us non human, we are losing the spiritually we us to have. The way we live our life right now is like following the road, we call it the road because we believe there is only one way we can live our life. In this road you start off, first your born, then around when your 4 you go to elementary, you learn how to cut, the alphabet and how to count and etc. This is what we do for generation and generations. After that you will go to school, and learn many things some of it is useful, some of it you will never use. After you are done with school we are suppose to go to college and finalize our study, and when you’re done you are suppose to get a job and after that mostly every one goose to a stage when they become old and they die. I bet, well mostly know that more than half of the people in the world that do this don’t do it because they think this is

fun, or important, they do this because their parents and the world influences them to do this. I know this because I heard the same thing over and over by my parents. They say if you don’t go to school and college you won’t be successful, you don't know how the world is until you have your job. If you look closely all of this ends up again by getting money. We do this just to get money, money is everything in this world, and well that’s what most people think. For now Forget about money that comes later on.

Last time I was talking to my friend, and he told me that last time he has been checking and he found out that Curacao has a lot of cholers, that's what we call them. You see a lot of them walking around asking for money, but nobody gives them something because their dirty, their homeless. We should not talk to them, which is what everybody does to them. That is one of the key factors what makes us non human, those homeless people are human, just like us, they feel just the same way we feel. They think just the way we think. Human beings made a big mistake, which is we don't help other people when they’re in trouble and that is really bad. We think they should not get help because it’s their fault, they didn't finish school or they didn't get a job, maybe they didn't go to school, so what, we should help them we should show we are all capable of helping each other. The people that follow their own Idea not the road, those people can change this world; they can let us realize that day by day where losing our human structure. If there are people in Curacao that know what it means to be human then they would help those cholers, and show that they are normal just like all of us. Personally I don't think that the world will adapt to that way we should think, because we have been living this way a long time, we believe in this road we should follow, but like I said for me it’s not bad, but also not perfect. I'm also influenced by my parents to live the life society wants me to live. I have many choices I can take, I can stop with school and start something I would like, something I know that would help people, but that is a hard choice. Not following the road doesn't mean you have to be someone important it also means follow, or do something you like, if someone tries to stop you then you should for sure do it, because you believe in it. One great person that did not follow the road was bill gates; he dropped out of collage because he had a dream he wanted to do. Nobody could stop him, maybe their where people that told him not to drop out of college, but he still did and look where his dream got him to, one of the riches person in the world and he his creation helps us today. Louis XVI succeeded to the throne in 1774, he was 19. He followed his ways, he did what he had to do and it got him where he wanted. There are also many people that where successful and that followed the road, but this one followed the road, but also knew what it means to be human he understood the ways a human works his name is Gandhi. Gandhi helped free India from Britain. He did this through a various amount of protests and other non violent ways. He was imprisoned for 7 years, but none of that matter to him. What it means to be human is the most important thing I learned in history class of 2010, of course there are more but this is something that opened up my own ideas. I also learned about socialism and Capitalism, and if you’re a person that likes to help other people and believe that we will improve in this world if we work together then it would be better to live in a socialism world. But for people that like improving by their selves they want everything if they have to leave someone in behind they will do it, it’s better for them to live in a capitalism world. Money would be everything for you want the countries to be capitalism. The first time when we started working on challenge 20/20 I was like why we are doing this, it is waste of time, what it has to do with history. Well after a while started realizing that if you know how it us to be in the past, if you learned about how life was in the past and you see how it is know you feel that where just falling behind in life. What I mean with that is, we are not taking care of our nature, we are not taking care of those people that need help, we are not doing any of these things, and in challenge 20/20 we have to do those things, we are separated in groups and one group tries to come with new ideas to help us with electricity, to save electricity. The other group helps with poverty and we have a group for people that do drugs, we try to help them. I am in the poverty group. When we started searching we realized there are a lot of people in Curacao that don’t go to school because they can’t afford it. Now it may seem that I am saying that they should go to school, but there is a difference between people that wants to have a education but they can’t afford it and people that don’t want to go to school because they have better ideas. That’s why we as a group are trying to get money to send these kids to a school. In history class I also learned about the industrial revolution, how it made the world like it is today, with all the new inventions like sea drill, steam engine, canals and etc. One important thing I also learned in this class is that we should enjoy the life we have I mean we should not get mad because we didn’t get what we want, we should be happy there are tons of people out their without a family or without the parent that can pay for a good school. We should be happy with the health we have, last time we watched a video of a guy without hands and legs, even so he is really happy, but we have the opportunity to be happy when everything is actually good with us and we should not take it for granted. First day of class we talked about the Yin Yan, we didn’t cover much about it, but I found it interesting so I searched it up and I learned that some people think that Yin is for female, darkness, and weakness and that the Yang represents male, light and strength. Even if that is true or not but what is true that

the Yin and Yang represents opposites. But even if their opposites we can’t have one without the other, and that’s why this symbol is so important, it gives us a message that we need each other. It is also the balance of good and evil, and that all evil possesses some good, and all good possesses some evil. I also learned that we humans have a bad habit in judging people, we hear something about someone and our mind puts them in a category, we classify people directly that the first thing we do, when we see someone. One famous person we all think badly about is Adolf Hitler. Why do we think he is bad because he killed many Jews? We think he is not normal, but he had as many happy moments as we did. He must have done something kind just like what de sometimes. Maybe he overdid it with the bad things, but we can only classify him as bad if have been their during his life and see exactly what he did

his whole life, and if he didn’t do anything good, then he was a really bad person. In this world we don’t have a 100% answer to what it means to be human, otherwise everything would be perfect right now. So if we all don't know exactly what it means to be human, then we can’t say Adolf Hitler wasn’t human.