Monday, January 18, 2010

White Man's Burden My A.......

These white men think they know everything around here, but I don’t trust them for one bit. They might look nice and all, but I know what they are up too. They want this place almost as much as we want it. They say that we are their burden but we are NOT their burden to bear. We can handle everything fine without their help. The chief does not believe that though, he wants them to help us. I heard that he trades people as slaves to get beer. I don’t believe this man, that he would trade his brothers and sisters for things he does not have. He is not overcome by stuff. He wants more and more. The white men want us to be more like them, but aren’t we all equal? I’m sure we are not compared to them. They think that we are savages or something. But they are the mad men, going around and telling other people that we are following the wrong religion, and that we cannot run anything, and that almost everything we do is wrong. Who are they to judge? What gives them the right to do that? These men come here with their clothes and shoes, and say that we are savages and that we are mad because we run around naked. This is what we have been doing for years, we don’t mind, I like the wind between my legs. Not only do they bring clothes, they also bring diseases and famine. They bring diseases on rats, diseases we don’t know how to cure. I am scared out of my mind. They also bring guns and fire-arms so that we can defend ourselves, from what? From them, if you ask me. I don’t like these tall, white, hairy, men. Better yet, I despise their existence. I also heard one of these men say that we are half child, half devil. What the H. we are the devils? Are you serious? How in god’s name are we devils? I don’t know what these men are up too but I don’t like it. I want them gone. Fast.

- Robbert van Doorn 10C

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