Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What Does it mean to be a human?

What does it mean to be a human? Ahuman is a mamal that dominates the world now adays. Humans are a kind of animal that have been around for very long, what it means to be a human is to love,care,work,take care of friends family loved one, most important is health. There are many animals that do these things to but us humans are very unike, some are good and some bad some like us and some dont. We humans came to this world to make it a good place, but no evry day the WORLD is getting worse because of us abussing using to much energy polutiong the world. Us humans are very kind people, we care for others and wanna help others. Humans are very brogerd and always wants to be better than the rest. Us humans LOVE THE WOLRD. BY:Hatem El Hage 10A

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