Friday, January 15, 2010

What does it mean to be human?

Being human is following the basic insticns integrated in the human mind. No human has a greater conscience or an inner evil dictating their actions. Morality hardly comes into question. People do whatever serve their best interests and do everything according to what best suits them. Humans are not truly given a choice to be good or evil. It is forced upon them either way. Humans react to their envoirnment in almost every aspect of their life so that they can cope and in many instances make their lives easier. A person could have a goal they wish to accomplish but they hardly ever really acheive them. They go along with what comes, because all to often some goals cannot be acheived even if you persue them. Realizing that all humans do is survive, easier from some more than most is the meaning of what it means it means to be human.
By Jacob Krijt

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