Thursday, January 14, 2010


What does it mean to be human? Being human is something really special for me being human is a gift that you will only get 1 time. To use this gift for a long time you have to live your own life, to do whatever you want, you have to enjoy it but not abuse it. You have a lot of rules you have to follow, being human is like being a game player you have to play fair and good according to the rules, when you play bad it’s game over. Being human is really unique because everyone is different not only different in appearance but also inside, like feelings and thoughts and how people act etce... To be a human is not that easy you have a lot of responsibilities like finish college, get a job, and raise a family etce… you can’t really explain what being human means because the meaning is different for everyone.

Arnaud Scheper 10c

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