Thursday, January 14, 2010

What does it mean to be human?

To be human:
The biggest question to the human race is what is our purpose in this world? Well to me, the main difference between our human essence and any other animal is that we are aware of our existence. This is a very important fact, because we actually have the interest to explore our world, and our minds. To me being human is sitting in that mountain or the beach, and look up at the stars and wonder what’s up there? Is there another form of intelligent life, is our universe part of another atom. What I’m made of, and why was I born the way I’m, and who made the rules of humanity, were I`m rich, you are poor, I`m white you are black. Is it in our nature, to always look for power, for money, for ourselves? Or is it part of what we’ve become through out history. To me to be human is to seek for the answers, and hopefully before we die, we should have accomplished and left a print in this world. Right now my mind is filled with more questions than answers, maybe those questions are meant to be kept as a secret, but that’s yet another question.

Adriana Baiz

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