Thursday, January 14, 2010

What does it mean to be Human?

To be human means to discover something new every day. We as humans brought peace to the nature. But as humans we cannot decide anything amongst ourselves. We always include the law to everything. As humans we are considered as being a part of nature. We use the nature to live. We as humans make mistakes everyday in life. From those mistakes we learn to become better. We are the future for the universe. We as humans are considered the smartest species living on this earth. Being the smartest ones we still destroy the world by giving global warming. On this planet humans are given the right to try to save this planet, but instead we are trying to destroy it. We create something and then we try to stop it. As a example, Norton makes antivirus protections, but have you ever thought what causes a virus? Norton makes the virus and then makes a protection to get rid of the virus. We as humans are best at doing that. We create a problem and we try to get rid of the problem by ourselves. I as a human being still don’t get a idea what does it really mean to be HUMAN???...........

Dhirenraj Dhruv

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