Thursday, January 14, 2010

What does it mean to be human?

What does it mean to be human?
By: Khushbu Chawla

Answering this question was hard because for me being human always meant to be caring and having emotions of good. To be honest having researched this gave me many ideas but, I was sure that being human had nothing to be caring. Since if being human was to be caring none of us would actually be called human because in one point of time everyone loses their ability to be caring and greed comes in the way. Well, actually for everyone there is a different meaning to be human. For me to be human is to be able to react to motions and emotions around and within you. To analyze before you react. People say, “Think before you talk.” Well the mind processes the information before you even know it. Some reactions you make might be spontaneous but your mind has processed the information so quick that it becomes an immediate reaction. When we are hurt we have pain and we react with an, “Ouch!” or some people hold the pain in and try not to react but the still feel it they just don’t express it. The “ouch” is an immediate response from your mind and holding in the pain is a very analytical reaction. There are lots of cases that could probably prove this. Yet, I am not sure if this is actually what it means to be human. If we knew what it means to be human we would have probably understood many more things which are just queries now. To be human if different to every human and we should respect everyone’s views.

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