Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What does it mean to be human?

The definition of humanity is a very hard term to describe. I believe that one of the main aspects of being human is to constantly create one’s self, change, develop, and make decisions. These four elements are constantly happening until your death. Your ideas change, your looks change, and you are always making decisions concerning everything from walking, to going to school, or talking to someone--these decisions constantly allow you to change and develop your views, thus altering your life. It is what makes every human unique, even if your twin looks identical and has the same fingerprints as you, we are different on many social, financial, cultural, and aesthetic levels. Being unique is very important to being human, otherwise we’d be just like any other animals be it fish, bird, or dog--they look the same and and all they usually want is food.
Another aspect of humanity is that all people want. People always want things regardless of wether they need it or not; objects, wealth, love, caring, certain lifestyles, to live somewhere else; anything. People’s desires change and develop as they create themselves, and their desires identify them as well because everyone has varying desires and interests.

Elie Weinstein 10A

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