Thursday, November 26, 2009

Letter to My Best Friend...

Dear Jasmine,

How is it over on your side with the Confederates, sis? It’s not so great here in Chattanooga. I absolutely hate it. Oh, and get ready for a complaint overload. It’s just that this war is so pointless. What I mean is a war isn’t necessary to solve this problem. It should practically be branded in people’s brains that people shouldn’t be or have slaves. I really don’t see why we can’t just say we’re all equal and leave it at that. At least some of these other Union soldiers agree with me on that. But over all, if I had to stay in this war of civility, I think I’d stay on my side.

Anyway, Old General Negley makes us keep that blue, wool uniform on at all times…even the hat. But it’s way too hot for that. It’s something about being ready 24/7 and you need to be ready for anything. I guess that makes it okay. It wasn’t really necessary, but at least we’d be prepared. Sometimes I can’t sleep at night in those little tents, ‘cause I keep thinking about something happening to you or my brothers or uncles…and even my dad. When I can’t sleep, I’ll stare at the stars and hope and pray that my mother and sisters are all safe.

I don’t even wanna get a scratch on me. Those doctors aren’t getting an ounce of my trust. They probably have as much training as a new born puppy on its first day at home. You’d think with about sixty of us here, the doctors would be good. It may be ridiculous, but I’m just going to try to avoid getting hurt. But, the weapons are pretty cool. I love using them (even just holding them) as long as I don’t have hurt anyone. That’s why when I’m bored while we’re not fighting, I do some target practice. I use the pistols, rifles, swords, and I’ve even thrown a grenade or two (away from everyone else of course) just for the fun of it. That’s just about the only fun thing about being here. Is there anything you like to do when boredom strikes?

Okay, the food…it sucks. Plain and simple it just sucks. All we eat most of the time is hardtack and salted beef. I think it’s just reddish colored salt cubes. And that hardtack, man it’ll file your teeth away! It’s like sheet iron! There are even holes in it. It’s not made that way. You know what makes the holes? Bugs, that’s what. That’s disgusting. Ugh, I hate war food.

I don’t even know what else to tell you. I hope this ends soon so things can go back to the way they were…or at least close to it. I miss all of you guys. Write me back.

Your partner in crime,

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