Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Battle of Gettysburg

Dear Robbert,
How was everything been old buddy?
Which wars have you fought so far?

I have been asked to fight for the union, which consist of around 93,000soldiers. We are armed quite well. We have cannons, rifles, muskets and swords. The general that is leading the army is called George G. Meade. To be a union soldier is feels pretty good. Mainly because all my comrades are very unites with each other and most of us tend get along with each other. I have to wear navy and gray suites, and a cap. But the worst thing then fighting the war is the food. It tastes horrible. I have to eat hardtack and meat. The only two meats we get are salted pork, which just is way too salty, and beef that takes forever to digest because it just so rotten and hard.

Even though I am fighting for the union, deep in my heart, I really don’t agree about the cause of the battle, because in the end if the black people get their freedom. They were be completely clueless about what they should do with their freedom, because most of them are illiterate, and all their life they just picked up cotton. So in the end the majority of them will just keep on picking cotton but except they have to pay rent and pay for their food. So the land owners would give them money, but the black people would have to give it back, to pay for shelter and food.

My best,
Gaurav Ganwani

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