Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear friend

Dear Friend,

It has been a few days without seeing you, but don't worry about it, it will soon be over.
In the future you will thanks us for not abolishing slaves.

My Unit isn't really that big, and my General Robert Lee is a son of gun, he is always telling me what to do, clean that, clean this, one of these I will punch him in the face. Anyways let me tell you about my weapons, they are the latest weapons in the South, hahha I feel sorry for you guys. .36 Caliber, and they just smuggled the new Star Revolver (.46 Caliber) from the North.

It don't really like to be a Confederate Soldier, don't get me wrong, we are fighting for the right causes but getting orders from other people is just not my style, you get me.
And the uniform uggh grey? I don't know who the hell decided to put this color, it must has been one of those high ranked general, they just sit in their office and eat great meals while I have to this peace of, well you know. I heard you guys are wearing blue, nice color, I suggested them to use red like our flag but they said no. Oh and we sleep in tents while higher rank sleeps in bunker.

Well I have to go, I'm on patrol duty tonight.


Ganesh Vanvani

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