Tuesday, June 8, 2010
the future
The future is a very important thing, the future is how were going to be next if were going to make any changes or if were going to be better or worse. From 200 years ago we have made many changes we have improved in many things, one of those things is medications. Medications are very important it helps us live longer. If we get sick we go to the doctor and he gives us medicine and after a couple of days we get better. The future is might get worse or better no one knows, we still cant go there and check it out with our technology. We have made so much improvement that in one day we will be able to go to the future and come back and then now what’s going to be next for us what’s going to be our new fight. The future is been a headache to it has changed many lives and gotten the world a worse place in some ways. One of those things is global warming, global warming is very bad for us and it can change this world and make it a very bad place a place that we wouldn’t even be able to stay in it. That’s why the future is bad to. You never know that your going to die in the future or if your going to survive the next day. The future is a great adventure and we should live forward to live it.
Hatem Race
Race is something that distinguishes us humans from each other. There are many races in the world. Race is been classified by skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture. These things change up the human and make them different from each other. An American person will be called a Hispanic or African American or maybe a branca. These racial things can be used by governments and scientifically. Science has been fighting that if a race group have the same traits and if they can do things that other people cant do. May scientist have said that Race is not a real thing because we are homosepians. These are one of the names that of races they call the people Bushmen Negroes Negritoes Melanochroi Australoids Xanthochroid Polynesians Mongoloids Esquimaux. These racial groups are varied around the world now because many people move around the world and they are from different places and than they get married with someone from that place and then they have a new mix, a new kind of people. Many people come back to race and say that im from this place or that place, that makes the people more unique.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
THE FUTURE? How would the future be like? By : Jacinta Marie Da Silva Correia
In history class we have had great conversations about the global leadership. We have had discussions about our great leaders like Chairman Mao Zedong, President Richard Nixon, General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, Nelson Mandela, and Fidel Castro, and they all had their own way of leading. None of them leaded the same, Mao, president Nixon and Leonid were different type of leaders then Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro, because Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro were revolutionary leaders. The Leader that has interest me the most is Chairman Maso Zadong. Chairman Mao is the founder of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and one of the founders of the Chinese Communist party in 1921. I learned that one of the most fundamental things in leadership is listening. He was a very successful man that many people followed and listened too, but there were also some people that hated him. “To Be Attacked by the Enemy Is Not a Bad Thing but a Good Thing” is a famous quote he used to say that interested me a lot.
Monday, May 31, 2010
the Future by Ana Chapela
In today’s life human beings are more attached to technology and machines that is almost like they do everything that a human does, just to make our lives easier. This idea is making most of the humans loose almost all of their abilities. We are moving towards technology. During the renaissance there were so many ideas going out and many people opened their eyes toward new ideas, enlightenment ideas, to improve their daily lives. Soon many people were starting to remove themselves from paying attention to religion; instead their minds were focused on all these new ideas and things that emerge at that time.
Communicating with the Internet, through the cell-phone and the electricity has become a tremendous part of human’s life. It seems like we depend on all of these instruments that we use in our daily lives. Children barely go outside and play with their neighbors, instead, they stay in their house while playing around with their computer. I’m predicting that in the future this world would have more inexperienced people than we have today, since technology is going to do everything for us, we wont have the courage to experience it ourselves
In the case of money, it seems like it is always going to be the same, although it has become an important medium of exchange, it has been involved into our lives and now humans feel like they are related to it. Therefore, the future is going to be filled with spoiled humans.
The Future - Elizabeth Anne Edwards
With the way we keep progressing, technology can only become more and more advanced and more and more awesome! Who knows what the future will hold? Hover boards, robot friends, solar powered automobiles, surrogates, paper-thin computers, and fully automated/computerized homes will most likely come about seeing as they already have the technology for some of these things now. And as for the environment…well…I’m hoping that we’ll become more eco-friendly. We have a long way to go, but people are realizing the damage we’ve done and are taking little steps to better our planet. So, I think we will definitely “save the Earth” in a sense. Natural resources are definitely going to be the main source of power, whether it’s solar, wind, water, or heat. We’re going to have to realize sooner or later that they’ve been right in front of us for centuries and now we have the ability to use them wisely and efficiently. Since we’ve used money for so long, it probably won’t go away anytime soon or later, but credit/debit cards are for sure going to be used more often. Space exploration will definitely shoot up. It’ll get better and better. They’ll have a newer and faster way of getting to certain places in outer space, but the main possibility is exploring all the other planets. As human beings, we’re just so curious, and we’ll never know what we’ll find, so we won’t be able to help ourselves. Power may just be something we can take into our own hands. Maybe as time goes on we won’t need so many leaders. Then again we’ve been led for countless years, so we could just go “mad” when we’re given all this freedom and power. Relationships are a tricky thing to figure out, especially in the future. A lot of the times, we humans are very predictable, almost a little too predictable. Though, for the most part, we are very unpredictable. A relationship (all kinds of relationships) is something that really depends on the people you’re dealing with. It’s in their own hands. What else will the future have in store for us? Or better yet, what’s really going to happen? We can’t know for sure. Oh well…I guess we’ll have to just wait and see.
The Future - Elie Weinstein
The world’s greatest unsolved problems include but are not limited to the environment, terrorism, nuclear threats, HIV/AIDS, and poverty. The only way to solve these problems in order to have a promising future is if all states cooperate towards common goals, which should include future plans to reorganize the UN as well change many of its policies. To start off, countries need to shift rapidly from using resources such as oil and coal that power technology to safer, cleaner, and more reliable sources such as nuclear power. This would indirectly prevent the already poverty-stricken nations from falling into a black hole of disease and starvation as a result of global warming having negative effects on crops, bodies of water, and animals–and it would solve several other important issues.
The world may be a bit stuck and in danger at the moment; regardless, I envision a bright future for most of us. The global climate change hype will cool down within 20 or so years because most countries would have already made the big switch to sustainable and renewable energy sources. Terrorist attacks could grow and may pose a bigger threat to the world in coming years due to Iran’s (a major supporter of terrorism) nuclear program, yet at the same time the power of terrorist organizations could shrink simply because in 50 years or more, leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Osama Bin Laden, Hugo Chavez, and Muammar al-Gadaffi will have fortunately passed away. At the same time, the world could collapse within a very small amount of time from now due to the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear plans and its support for terrorism, which could lead to a WWIII. As of now, it feels as if the world is in a second Cold War, and the close tie between Iran and Venezuela is similar to that of the USSR and Cuba. Ahmadinejad will probably use Venezuela as a base for the nuclear weapons he is currently trying to develop under the pretense that he is creating nuclear “energy.”
Technology will play an even bigger role in the future than it already does. We won’t see flying cars, but cars will be driven by a computer–this is not a radical idea; right now there are cars in production that can park themselves. In terms of computing and mobile technology, the future is looking brilliant. Mobile devices are going to be even more sophisticated; smart-phones will not only include media, music, etc. but as well as identification, your finances, keys, you will be able to have conference calls on your cell phone, and mobile devices will react to and gather data from the environment. Apart from communication and such, technology will also be involved in health and our bodies. In the future, we could have prosthetic limbs or suits that make us stronger; we have already developed electronic pills that can record and get footage of what happens in our bodies. Sadly however, we will probably learn to depend on such technologies and not be able to function without them, just as we have become so dependent on medicine, computers, and the Internet. There is no telling what the future is going to look like; it depends on the decisions made by the international community and world leaders.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
So, the Future huh?
I have high hopes for the future. I really do hope that only good things will come out of it, which I’m sure will happen. However, I only have high hopes for the future, if we change our way of thinking. Soon, we will be living with robots, parentless children, and a world full of losers who believe the media. Don’t get me wrong, it’s working out fine at the moment; but it won’t be for long. People don’t realize how we are damaging the planet that we live on; they don’t see how our ignorant actions hurt others. “Every time you’re tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future” (from Twitter). We have to realize that all the events that have occurred in the past aren’t the best ways to solve problems; there are many different ways that we should try for a change.
If we don’t change the way we are thinking right now: “We have technology to reach the future, but the educational system remains in the last century” (from Twitter). Relationships, exploitation and all of that powerful stuff will regain its meaning, its “what it means to be human” meaning; I hope to see the future in which people will walk on the street and ‘pay-it-forward'. "Kindness is one of the hardest things to give away, it always come back", when the world realizes this, we'll be a whole step ahead, and the future will just keep on getting better and better.
-- Sara de Jong
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Global Leadership (stephanie LDE)
“Fighting with heaven, fighting with earth, and fighting with human being, what a great pleasure!" is one of Chairman Mao Zedong’s famous quotes. He is one of my favorite leaders since he fought for equality of woman in China. Based on his studies, he developed his theories. He had no respect to any laws and he didn’t allow anyone to challenge him.
To be able to be a great leader, you would need to be: responsible, considerable, caring, a good listener, observer, great personality, self-belief, motivation, efficient, trustful, and most important you should think before you act. Power and Leadership would be one of the most important points to society. People need someone to tell them what to do, but it needs to be someone they can trust. People don’t like fall-downs so they would be happy to rely on someone.
People have been struggling for peace for the whole existing of human nature. Peace can never be made because we don’t like peace. We like struggling for what we want, most importantly, we like war. If any organization would gather Global leaders to accomplish goals, there will probably be a World War III. The organizations will not be successful at all especially with people with different thoughts and points. Chaves would probably be the first one to get into trouble!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Global Leadership By Ahmed a.k.a Hatem
President Nixon was a president that had never come to power and resign, he was an American President and he was the first one to ever resign. President Nixon saved millions of American soldiers lives, 300 soldiers were dying daily. He got the soldiers out of there. Nixon was in a major scandal and after he had resign he said that it was OK if the president did bad things.
Leonid Brezhnev was a soviet leader, he had served for 18 years as a general. He began as a iron engineer. Brezhnev changed many things in the Soviet Union, one of the most important was there power. He had increased there power and made them very powerful, just like every country would like to be. He had made many changes to the country but he was also one of the reason why the soviet Union had collapsed.
Fidel Castro came into the country and wanted change, with his power and followers he over trough the last party and become prime minister and after that from 1965 he’s been the president of Cuba. Fidel’s ruling is as a dictatorship. He has made many changes to his country. He has one of the best doctors in the world, but it’s very hard for a person to leave the country.
Nelson Mandela was the first South African president being elected fully by the people, before he became president he was an anti-apartheid activist. Mandela made many changes during his rule, he’s gotten more than 250 awards over four decades and 1 Nobel Peace Prize.
After all, all kinds of ruling are very important. Some people think its good to have so many and some people don’t. I personally think that its better to have many kinds of ruling because then you can see which is better and which one can actually help it get out of miseries.
Socialism vs. Capitalism by Phaedra
Leadership - Elie Weinstein
The idea of leadership in the past century has evolved dramatically. Our world has shifted from a system of royalty, monarchies, and absolute rule to democracy, communism, and constitutional monarchies (which are basically democracies). This shift has positively affected our political systems and society because when strict monarchies still ruled the world, most rulers of dynasties or kingdoms would either resign or be assassinated due to the poverty and unhappiness created by being strictly ruled, followed by chaos.
The main attributes a great leader should have are as follows; intelligence, cooperation, kindness, persuasiveness, good speaking abilities, courageous, trustworthy, somewhat “transparent,” previous leadership experience, impartiality, and good social skills.
Some of the greatest leaders in history had these characteristics, yet lacked other essential aspects of leadership. Fidel Castro for example rose to power simply through violence and speeches, yet most of the world hates him due to his unwillingness to listen to his people, and because the communist system he forced on Cuba has failed to help its citizens.
Leadership plays an immense role in solving world issues; solving problems that impact us all can only be resolved through the combined efforts of nations and their leaders. Right now for example, the U.S. is working closely with the four other Security Council members and Germany to stop Iran from destroying itself and the world with its nuclear enrichment program, through sanctions. The U.N. Nations has played an important role in this issue, mainly because of the cooperation of its delegates. It is obvious that often times the U.N. does not carry out its duties properly or that nations do not realize the passed resolutions, but the U.N. and its member States will succeed in working together toward common goals in times of danger or when the issue at hand poses an extreme threat. The current issue of Iran is a perfect example because the current nuclear “energy” program run by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who denies possession of nuclear arms, does not allow the IAEA to inspect its nuclear “energy” facilities, supports terrorist organizations, and calls for the destruction of Israel and America is suspected to possess and develop nuclear arms, which would pose a threat to all of us. In times like these, we should all thank G-d that the U.N. Or at least some sort of multilateral peace-keeping force exists.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
jacinta Socialism vs. Capitalism
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Socialism vs. Capitalism - Elie Weinstein
If the world could vote tomorrow on what economic system to follow, the results would favor socialism by miles. The only explanation for this is because this economic system somewhat offers the impoverished a way out of poverty through food and other necessities being distributed for free by the government. It would seem only fair for the poor to have equal access to basic materials and food needed to live, but how is it fair that citizens who work hard or have greater skill at what they do receive equal repayment as a person who’s job is to solely pick up trash for example?
This is why capitalism works better; it allows you freedom over prices and even over what school you attend. Sweden has been very successful because it has adopted both the free market as well as socialism, thus incorporating the benefits of both worlds. It has a free market just like America, however, due to the high taxes paid on everything, the government can offer many services for free. Sweden’s system is one of the best economic systems because while it allows individuals to grow financially, it still provides everyone access to free education, healthcare, etc.
Socialism and capitalism have many pros and cons, but the greatest problem of the entire world is money. Money may seem just a way to buy products and services, but it’s more than that. Because money is required to have anything in this world today, people crave money, commit suicide because of it, and they’ll even resort to exploiting themselves and criminal activity just so that they can get their hands on paper with numbers on it. Many feel that they need it in order to live, or to gain status from it; we have come to depend on numbers as a means to everything we own or do in life, as well as to how we act and think towards ourselves and others.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Socialism vs. Capitalism
I got this link on twitter, so bear with me. :P
It's a long article (well it looks really long), but I think it's pretty nice on how it tries to compare socialism and capitalism to each other. And, by reading the comments at the end, this article isn't like, THE ANSWER, but it's still nice on how it shows an everyday example. :)
- Sara
“Can You Multiply Wealth by Dividing it?”
In elementary and somewhat in middle school we always wanted to be the best, and wanted to earn the most credit, the most recognition for our work. And boom, when you enter high school, suddenly it’s stupid to be the one with the highest grades. I suppose you could compare the school way of life in elementary and middle to a kind of capitalistic view, and high school is more of a socialist view. If everybody gets the same grade anyways, why study? If we all want to try and fit in, in High School, and being stupid is cool, why bother studying to get a high grade if it's un-cool anyways? If I’m nice to the kid sitting next to me, I’ll get a star, so why not be nice?
There is no real socialist country; they are more considered a mixed country. The United States of America has a socialist country, in the sense that all of the basic necessities are cheap, and all of those workers earn the same amount with a fixed ‘price’; this system is based on the believe that people should cooperate and coexist with one another. Whereas the countries in which there is real capitalism, the government believes that there is competition that will bring out the best in everyone, and create more revenue.
Cooperation and coexisting with one another are very important things that we as humans should do, since it is only natural… it’s part of what makes us human. But then again, people want to have recognition for the work that they deliver. How can two systems like that be turned into a system that could work out for all of us? One without money? No competition needed, right?
-- Sara de Jong
Weekly Writing Assignment #2.
Space Race by Phaedra Hanst
Socialism vs. Capitalism ((videos))
Of course I love the cartoon video the best :P but that's just me. The other two bring up good points. Enjoyy peoplezz! :)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
MLK vs. Malcolm X- Phaedra Hanst
I think that Marin Luther King’s views where most effective. He used Ghandi and Henry David’s theories on non-violence. This proved to be effective when protesting against Rosa Parks’ arrest. Martin and the other people supporting the protest decided that they would no longer take the bus, and this put the bus services into bad business, which made them mad and caused them to use violence against the protestors, but they were not allowed to fight back. This worked, because simply by not taking the bus, some bus companies had to shut down, and the law on colored segregation in public transportation was taken away. I personally would have followed Martin Luther King’s views, because they, to me, proved to be the most successful. I think that if you scare someone with violence, you’re going to accomplish less than normal. Some people will obviously think different, as they would say that if Martin would have killed some of the bus’ driver’s then they would have accomplish what they wanted to much faster; and they probably would have, but I think it’s different because they actually worked towards what they wanted and got it honestly and without hurting anyone. I also think that by using violence, it would have created a larger problem. If they killed bus drivers, then their families would come back to kill those people, who would eventually kill more of the families, which would still result in many people dead, and no problem solved.
Monday, May 10, 2010
An influence is the magnitude that has an outcome on someone. Humans are build up put of influences through out their whole lives until they become venerable and they stop listening to others for the reason that they already got enough influences created by many people. Humans are not just influenced by the TV and the Internet; they are also influenced by characters that they grew up with; Humans grow up and build up expectations and goals in life while keeping some of the influences that were created on them. There are many people who have many ways of thinking that have been always slid into their minds without knowing the reason why. Many white people were raised with the idea that they could not be with black people just because of their race, parents created hate in them to have for black people they influenced them to hate them even though they could not explain why black and white should not be together. Martin Luther king had a dream, his dream said it all, he wanted racism to stop; he wanted people to judge others by what they demonstrate not by their skin color. Martin Luther King Jr. should be considered one of the most influential men throughout history.
Space race
Ana Chapela
The Space Race was a competition of space exploration between the United States and the Soviet Union, who after World War II became the most powerful countries. They both developed military space programs that were secret. This race had its ups and downs, for example, there were many new technologies produced by trying to win this race, people learned more and more about science, rockets, and space. They also stopped using rockets as a weapon. The negative side would be the conflict between these two countries instead of getting together and making the best out of all those great ideas that were created out of all these discoveries and curiosities about space. The reason why they kept on doing it was because many people got interested into knowing more about space so they got involved into it, now it depends on science and discoveries instead of politics. Before, all they wanted to obtain out of all of this was just simply to be the most powerful country in the world. Especially the United States since they felt they were being defeated by the Soviet Union because of their success on space exploration.
In my perspective, I think that space analysis should proceed seeing that earth may reached a point were humans cannot be able to live in it anymore, searching for other planets that humans may be able to live in can be one possibility to survive. This can help humans to learn more about the solar system. It also develops new technology that is used today in daily life, like for example, digital image that is used by doctors to record images of the human body. With the absorption of space, people can come close to what means to be a human. Without space exploration we would not be able to have Internet and all the resources that we get from having space observations.
Space Race Hatem 10a
Outer space is a place we wanted to discover and we were willing to give up everything to go up there. This has now changed; people now don’t even care what’s happening up there. Space is a place were we think we know what it is, but actually it’s a place that we have only discovered a very low portion of it. After the soviets went a couple of times up there, the USA couldn’t resist anymore. A country across from us is betting us and that’s when the space race began. The soviets had gotten 18 unmanned landings up there. President John F Kennedy said were going to the moon, a couple of years latter his word was made real. The first manned space rocket on the moon, which showed the soviets that the USA could do it and be better than them.
Sputnik, the first artificial satellite in space was made by the soviets; it was the size of a beach ball 58 cm or 22.8 inches in diameter and 83 kilos, and the first one to orbit the Earth Korolyov's R-7 missile. Nearly after four months the USA successfully launched its first satellite. The period were all this idea of going to outer space was happening during the cold war were the USA and the Soviets had a war conflict after WWII. 1961 Yuri Gargarin becomes the first human to orbit the Earth. After the Soviet Yuri Gargarin the Americans were way behind, on that same year they sent their first American astronaut to orbit the Earth. 1963 first women is a Soviet called Valentina Tereshkova. After 5 year the USA was successful to send Apollo 8 to orbit the moon.1969 first person on moon was an American called Neil Armstrong followed by Buzz Aldrin. After all the Americans weren’t the first ones up there but they still showed the soviets that they could do it they could get up there by the date they had said. Still now a days we don’t care anymore who goes to outer space or what’s happening, we almost completely forgot about outer space.
Space Race Hatem 10a
Outer space is a place we wanted to discover and we were willing to give up everything to go up there. This has now changed; people now don’t even care what’s happening up there. Space is a place were we think we know what it is, but actually it’s a place that we have only discovered a very low portion of it. After the soviets went a couple of times up there, the USA couldn’t resist anymore. A country across from us is betting us and that’s when the space race began. The soviets had gotten 18 unmanned landings up there. President John F Kennedy said were going to the moon, a couple of years latter his word was made real. The first manned space rocket on the moon, which showed the soviets that the USA could do it and be better than them.
Sputnik, the first artificial satellite in space was made by the soviets; it was the size of a beach ball 58 cm or 22.8 inches in diameter and 83 kilos, and the first one to orbit the Earth Korolyov's R-7 missile. Nearly after four months the USA successfully launched its first satellite. The period were all this idea of going to outer space was happening during the cold war were the USA and the Soviets had a war conflict after WWII. 1961 Yuri Gargarin becomes the first human to orbit the Earth. After the Soviet Yuri Gargarin the Americans were way behind, on that same year they sent their first American astronaut to orbit the Earth. 1963 first women is a Soviet called Valentina Tereshkova. After 5 year the USA was successful to send Apollo 8 to orbit the moon.1969 first person on moon was an American called Neil Armstrong followed by Buzz Aldrin. After all the Americans weren’t the first ones up there but they still showed the soviets that they could do it they could get up there by the date they had said. Still now a days we don’t care anymore who goes to outer space or what’s happening, we almost completely forgot about outer space.
Space Race Hatem 10a
Outer space is a place we wanted to discover and we were willing to give up everything to go up there. This has now changed; people now don’t even care what’s happening up there. Space is a place were we think we know what it is, but actually it’s a place that we have only discovered a very low portion of it. After the soviets went a couple of times up there, the USA couldn’t resist anymore. A country across from us is betting us and that’s when the space race began. The soviets had gotten 18 unmanned landings up there. President John F Kennedy said were going to the moon, a couple of years latter his word was made real. The first manned space rocket on the moon, which showed the soviets that the USA could do it and be better than them.
Sputnik, the first artificial satellite in space was made by the soviets; it was the size of a beach ball 58 cm or 22.8 inches in diameter and 83 kilos, and the first one to orbit the Earth Korolyov's R-7 missile. Nearly after four months the USA successfully launched its first satellite. The period were all this idea of going to outer space was happening during the cold war were the USA and the Soviets had a war conflict after WWII. 1961 Yuri Gargarin becomes the first human to orbit the Earth. After the Soviet Yuri Gargarin the Americans were way behind, on that same year they sent their first American astronaut to orbit the Earth. 1963 first women is a Soviet called Valentina Tereshkova. After 5 year the USA was successful to send Apollo 8 to orbit the moon.1969 first person on moon was an American called Neil Armstrong followed by Buzz Aldrin. After all the Americans weren’t the first ones up there but they still showed the soviets that they could do it they could get up there by the date they had said. Still now a days we don’t care anymore who goes to outer space or what’s happening, we almost completely forgot about outer space.
The Space Race - Elie Weinstein
The tense Cold War, like a dormant volcano waiting to explode, has had an everlasting impact on the world due to the Space Race. Had it not been for Soviet and American efforts to expand their rule out of our atmosphere, the world would be radically different than it is today.
Most orbital expeditions and missions to space are for scientific use. Satellites have been used to map the Earth, and a multitude of satellites are used for communication, tv broadcasting, and the internet. The intentions of the Space Race, however, were purely for military purposes. Both the United States and U.S.S.R. were keen to develop satellites and missions that sent rockets into orbit, simply because the technology and engineering wonders could be implemented in the building and use of long range weapons––especially nuclear weapons.
The Soviets were the first to successfully achieve such a mission, with the launch of a small satellite known as Sputnik. According to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, the success of this mission was due to both parties’ war tactics. Russia had the upper hand in its space program because it had already implemented rocket technology into its missiles during the Cold War, while America was still developing bombs to be dropped from aircraft.
Russia’s pioneering in space exploration has affected nearly everyone in the world forever. Satellites have many purposes, such as in the areas of navigation, television, internet, and the military. It has had a great impact in these fields, however the implementation of rocketry technology and engineering for military use has resulted in the construction of systems that are capable of killing millions of people as well as animals and plants within no time.
Although, rocketry and space exploration has resulted in weapons of mass destruction, I fully support space exploration and wish for it to continue. I do not regret the Space Race (were it in my hands) because I fell that the said weapons are in good hands (except for Pakistan and Iran). I don’t think that humans should live on other planets because we are Earthlings. I cannot imagine permanently living indoors or with an oxygen tank, or seeing no other life form. We are made to live on Earth; trying to populate another planet would just create financial, political, environmental, and societal problems. The only reason I see fit for us to move to another planet or the moon were if a giant meteor was to strike us.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Does Race Matter?
Friday, February 12, 2010
British influenced in India
By: Ana Chapela
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
British Reform of the Caste System - Elie Weinstein 10 A
"Caste Systems" By: Stephanie LDE 10C
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Was it right or wrong?
Sandhya Parwani 10C
The Cast System (By:Gaurav Ganwani 10C)
The British are WRONG
Dhirenraj Dhruv
When will humans find balance? Adriana Baiz 10C
right or wrong?
I believe it was not right for the British to change the Indian caste system. If you would ask the Indian people
this question, if it was right for the British to mess with Indian caste, some might say it was right some might say
it was wrong. Every one has their view, because maybe the people that said it was right, maybe they didn't like their
system at first, but they knew that the British would make it better. But the people that said it was wrong, they had a different opinion, they
believed that their caste system was perfect and they didn't know better. The way the British tried to change the caste was wrong, because they tried to change it
forcingly, what a right way would be is showing the people what they way is and see if the Indians want to adopt it. If the Indians don't like it, then the British should
go back, because they have nothing to decide for India. If it would have happened to them they would also not like it,because they would not like the Indian case system.
Traves Servage
The Caste System – Pierluigi Mancinelli
The Caste System - Persuasive Essay Introduction
Is the cast system a system to reckon with?
- Robbert van Doorn 10C
Right or Wrong?
They came in and took their goods. They wanted to change the Indians without a reason. They were doing this so they can benefit their lives and not the people. The Europeans came in looking for goods found some and told many. So, then the British came and got goods from the Indians and they were getting so much from India they decided to settle down. As they settled down and India made Britain prosper; Britain took over with their authority. They made India the jewel of their crown and took over as they settled missionaries also came. The authority wanted to change some customs and the missionaries wanted to convert them. They wanted to change the way they have been living. They might have tried to do something for the whole community which was change the caste system. But against all of that does doing one good thing make it all better? They wanted to end a culture that has shown us diversity. Now I ask you is this right or wrong?
Right or Wrong

Was it right for the British to come in and tell the Indian people that their way of life is not right. The caste system to the Indian people was a way to keep the peace. Indians believed that in which ever section of the caste system you will live your entire life, you will work and marry in the section. They also believe that it is part of their religion, where the section you are born in is either because of the good you did in the life before or you are getting punished for what you did. I don't think it was right for the British to come in. The British where used to a different way of living their lives, and that does not give them the right to come in and tell them to do otherwise.
Wael Kaddoura
I am a ten year old!
The British rule over India has many different aspects to it. Yes, Britain helped make India industrialized, nationalist, and got rid of many of the ridiculous traditions, but did Britain have the right? Maybe my belief is biased. But I feel the same about every region they conquered. I feel that Britain or any other power has no right to change another cultures values, morals, and traditions.
Yes the caste system created divisions in the society in India. The British wanted to bring equality into the society. If I may ask, what kind of equality was it to be making someone work for you, taking all the profits, and fooling them about giving them equality? Is that not hypocritical to some extent? Is that fair? They took all of the profits of these people that worked so hard for them, and gave them much less than what they deserved. By taking away their caste system, they think they payed back for it? They have no right to do so. Whether you talk about in Africa, India, or Latin America, was it ever right for the British to change the values and traditions of the natives? I firmly do not believe so. Even if that makes you think I am a ten year old.
-Himangi Bhavnani
Monday, February 8, 2010
Right or Wrong?
Stephanie v. Romondt
Caste System
Jacob Krijt
caste system
I respect the caste system, it’s their way of life, but I don’t like it myself as an individual born outside of India. You can only become something if you are born in a certain caste. You can only marry someone if your both born in the same cast etc.
I think people should be free to do whatever they want.
Ganesh Vanvani
Sunday, February 7, 2010
One could easily argue that the British were right for reforming the caste system that was in place in India, but someone could just as easily disagree. This is something that is hard to give a straight forward answer to. I agree, the caste system, before the British tried to reform it, was horrible, and I can't imagine living in something that restricted me from hanging out, or marrying other people outside of my 'breed/race'; but then again, it IS their religion and it was fine the way it was before the British showed up. It kept peace within the levels of society, and it kept a sense of order. The question of right or wrong is hard to answer for myself. It's like asking if the Arabs should give equal rights to women if it isn't in their religion, and if they don't know any better; how could it possibly be right or wrong? I suppose that the British were wrong in trying to reform the caste system, simply because the Indians were living in peace and had established this as a way of life before the British came venturing along and the Indians just didn't know any better. But then again I don't want to live in a society that restricts me from doing something that I want to, and I wouldn't want others to have to be restricted, and there I would disagree. One does have to come to the realization however, that we also live in a society in which we divide ourselves into groups. Not only in high school, where you have the preps, emos, jocks, nerds, and rebels; but also in the world itself. We've establish a kind of 'caste system' ourselves in which the rich marry the rich (they don't HAVE to, but why would a rich person marry an average person?), and the poor marry the poor (once again, they don't HAVE to, but why would anybody want to marry a malnourished, AIDS infected person if they can marry a well off person, let's be honest here for a second). Therefore, I believe that the British were wrong with reforming the caste system. Look at India now and there are still classes, and there is even a split in Hindus and Muslims.
-- Sara de Jong
The Caste System. Mikey Ganga
What ever happened or what ever is planning to happen, you just can not change an other cultures rules or mess with their religion(s). I know that the English people only tried to help them in a way they thought it would be good. But you can't think that people will be happy or agree with it if someone came in and just changed everything. I think the Britain people would have started a war if the France or some other country would have came in to there land to tell them how to live their lives.
Mikey Ganga
The caste System
By:Hatem El Hage
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Britain take away India Caste System (Phaedra)
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Caste System By: Amrit Khatwani
What is a 'caste' system? - Stephen Fahey 10B
A caste system is a type of social structure that divides people into groups by being based on social status through inheritance. And in this type of class, people are supposedly only allowed to interact and marry other people within their same social class, but it’s not always like that. And India is very well known for having a system set up like this for its people. Caste mobility is extremely rare, and its first tendency is endogamy, meaning people only marry within the same caste. Typically, higher castes hold the most power, much like being very wealthy in the United States. And even though the caste system is mainly referred to being with India but also Portugal has its own type of caste system as well, the word being casta. And the word in English is meant to mean breeding or race. When India started to use the caste system in the 1600’s, it was also known as a caste system in Portugal. Castes are also divided by
· Language
· Culture
· Economics
And within each caste system, everyone generally knows his/her place as your own social status is said to be known to over people as well.
And Britain tried to go against it and I personally think that was wrong because the caste system seemed to work for India and it still works today, many years later. And also when tampering with a foreign countries religion, systems, culture etc... it tends to almost or nearly impossible to reclaim/get back. The British wanted India to be like them, wear their clothes, speak their language, same education, same religion, same habits and India didn't really want to take part in that. And Britain also seen the caste system in a sense of racism, and low morals for the standing of Indian peoples wealth/economic standings.