Monday, May 10, 2010

Space Race Hatem 10a

Outer space is a place we wanted to discover and we were willing to give up everything to go up there. This has now changed; people now don’t even care what’s happening up there. Space is a place were we think we know what it is, but actually it’s a place that we have only discovered a very low portion of it. After the soviets went a couple of times up there, the USA couldn’t resist anymore. A country across from us is betting us and that’s when the space race began. The soviets had gotten 18 unmanned landings up there. President John F Kennedy said were going to the moon, a couple of years latter his word was made real. The first manned space rocket on the moon, which showed the soviets that the USA could do it and be better than them.

Sputnik, the first artificial satellite in space was made by the soviets; it was the size of a beach ball 58 cm or 22.8 inches in diameter and 83 kilos, and the first one to orbit the Earth Korolyov's R-7 missile. Nearly after four months the USA successfully launched its first satellite. The period were all this idea of going to outer space was happening during the cold war were the USA and the Soviets had a war conflict after WWII. 1961 Yuri Gargarin becomes the first human to orbit the Earth. After the Soviet Yuri Gargarin the Americans were way behind, on that same year they sent their first American astronaut to orbit the Earth. 1963 first women is a Soviet called Valentina Tereshkova. After 5 year the USA was successful to send Apollo 8 to orbit the moon.1969 first person on moon was an American called Neil Armstrong followed by Buzz Aldrin. After all the Americans weren’t the first ones up there but they still showed the soviets that they could do it they could get up there by the date they had said. Still now a days we don’t care anymore who goes to outer space or what’s happening, we almost completely forgot about outer space.

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