Monday, May 10, 2010

Space race

Ana Chapela

The Space Race was a competition of space exploration between the United States and the Soviet Union, who after World War II became the most powerful countries. They both developed military space programs that were secret. This race had its ups and downs, for example, there were many new technologies produced by trying to win this race, people learned more and more about science, rockets, and space. They also stopped using rockets as a weapon. The negative side would be the conflict between these two countries instead of getting together and making the best out of all those great ideas that were created out of all these discoveries and curiosities about space. The reason why they kept on doing it was because many people got interested into knowing more about space so they got involved into it, now it depends on science and discoveries instead of politics. Before, all they wanted to obtain out of all of this was just simply to be the most powerful country in the world. Especially the United States since they felt they were being defeated by the Soviet Union because of their success on space exploration.

In my perspective, I think that space analysis should proceed seeing that earth may reached a point were humans cannot be able to live in it anymore, searching for other planets that humans may be able to live in can be one possibility to survive. This can help humans to learn more about the solar system. It also develops new technology that is used today in daily life, like for example, digital image that is used by doctors to record images of the human body. With the absorption of space, people can come close to what means to be a human. Without space exploration we would not be able to have Internet and all the resources that we get from having space observations.

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