Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When will humans find balance? Adriana Baiz 10C

So the question is..Was it the British duty to change the Indian Caste System, or was it wrong for them to come in and do what ever they wanted? Well this question is very personal, as all right and wrong questions are. It all depends on who gets more benefited, and who doesn’t. In the case of Britain changing the caste system, well to me it wasn’t in their rights, but did it hurt India? No, it actually benefited them, why was it that if you were born untouchable you had to stay that way for ever. Well in my case it’s because my believes are different to maybe those of the Indians, and thereby I see western ideas as the right ones. Doesn’t necessarily mean I’m. Then there is another fact that Britain brings up, they make everyone equal in India, yet they come and make the natives work for them. This is call being hypocritical, this is not only presented in this situation, also in Africa where the British saw reforming as a duty, and favor they were doing to the natives. To me, all this has the trouble that it is taken to extremes; humans never try to achieve balance. The British worked mainly because of self benefits and in the process reform some cultures. The Indians will not admit that some western intervene benefited them. Which brings the whole question, was the empirelism era good or bad? It was a time where many cultures mixed and learned from each other, but to what price!

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