Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Caste System - Persuasive Essay Introduction

Stephan C. 10b
The Caste System
Persuasive Essay Introduction

At the very essence of humanity you will find ideas based on discrimination and inequality. Our very existence is founded on the idea that “I am better than you”. This solitary notion has been the key to our very survival as a species. The caste system is an extension of this primitive idea, and makes it into a coherent measurement of ones life. It emphasizes the good in humanity and eliminating any worldliness that might clog our chances of redemption. The goal is to reach a state in your existence in which you are rid of all selfishness, you acquire wisdom with every action, and you spread love. This is the highest level of the caste system the Brahamas. Can you imagine a society in which this is achieved? There would be no need for military action or government, it would create a universal utopia. This is a noble intention in order to establish a peaceful society. This goal creates the desire of raising all people, slowly and gently towards a greater sense of spirituality, inner-peace and as an affect of this inner- peace of mind, a world of harmony is created. If you fail at achieving this in one shot, you will be given another shot. Redemption is not to be achieved in one shot. You will continue to grow and learn as a human being as your setbacks will send you down the system and your acts of kindness and goodliness will move you forward. It is a balance that creates a harmony between religion and society. When Britain began to impose itself upon the very sovereignty of India, it ruined the system. England as a hypocritical observer showed flaws in the system that it maintained in its respective nation. While the untouchables remained secluded from the rest of society, the poor tenants in industrialized Britain were forced to do labor that no one else wanted to do. How does this make them any different from any untouchable? Britain acted as nothing more than a snake, whispering and weaving lies to create discontent among India’s proud and diverse people. Fabricating false images of development and hope for the better tomorrow that would never come, and generating unrest between India’s children. We have all observed the effects of what we have called the “White man’s burden”, the need of the “paternal” European imperialist to ‘civilize’ the rest of the world. We have also seen the very devastation that this movement has caused to poor Africa which remains in the shambles; unable to survive in todays modern world. Drowning by the very Father who sought to raise it and carry it upon it’s shoulders.

1 comment:

  1. Very Helpful Blog and for more information about Essay on Caste System in India keep share more information
