Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the future

The future By Hatem

The future is a very important thing, the future is how were going to be next if were going to make any changes or if were going to be better or worse. From 200 years ago we have made many changes we have improved in many things, one of those things is medications. Medications are very important it helps us live longer. If we get sick we go to the doctor and he gives us medicine and after a couple of days we get better. The future is might get worse or better no one knows, we still cant go there and check it out with our technology. We have made so much improvement that in one day we will be able to go to the future and come back and then now what’s going to be next for us what’s going to be our new fight. The future is been a headache to it has changed many lives and gotten the world a worse place in some ways. One of those things is global warming, global warming is very bad for us and it can change this world and make it a very bad place a place that we wouldn’t even be able to stay in it. That’s why the future is bad to. You never know that your going to die in the future or if your going to survive the next day. The future is a great adventure and we should live forward to live it.

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