Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Was it right or wrong?

There are always arguments on who is right and who is wrong, and sometimes we can't decide who the right one is. However I believe that the British had no reason to try and reform the caste system in India. The British had no reason to go into neither Africa nor Latin America. Their only reason was to help themselves, and to take advantage of these regions. The British were greedy and only wanted more for them. It is only because of their greed did they decide to "help" the Indians. Although the caste system divided the people of India, the British had no right to invite themselves into someone else’s land and change whatever they wished to. It sounds strange to a lot of us that you were born and stayed in the same position for the rest of your life, but to the Indians this made complete sense. It was your choice, if you wanted to be a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra, or untouchable. It was your deeds that decided what you would be, and if your actions were that horrible in your past birth, you would become an untouchable in your next birth. The British could not change that; they could not go into your previous birth and make you a good person. It was not the duty of the British to try and fix up India. It was not right for them to try and convert the people in India into Christianity. It wouldn’t be right either if Indians tried to convert the British into Hinduism. There is no point in trying to make someone like you. The British told the Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra, and untouchables that they all had to do the same job and would get paid the same amount (which was almost nothing). This was unfair to the Indians. Why should the Brahmins have to do the same as the untouchables, when the Brahmins did not deserve to. Why were the Brahmins in the state that they were? Because they chose to in their previous birth, and the British could not do anything about it. The British apparently were trying to propose equality, but it wasn’t equal when the Indians had to do all the work and the British got all the benefits. Today, what has India ended up to be? A democracy. But still, there are millions of people wandering on the streets. It is only because the British wanted more that they invaded India, giving an excuse that they were responsible for their “younger brothers.” That was the excuse they used to take advantage of India’s riches. It was wrong, and it is wrong to have this greed. What do we do to stop it? It is hard, because the world is made up of a bunch of greedy people.

Sandhya Parwani 10C

1 comment:

  1. damn Sandhya he said to write an introductory paragraph not the whole essay
