Friday, February 12, 2010

British influenced in India

If you put it into simple words, it’s like someone inviting himself or herself into your own house, not only do they tell you that what you are doing is wrong, but they make u do what they want you to do. I’m convinced that most people would not accept this. What about the British invading countries and pretending like those countries belong to them? Some people would say that if it wasn’t for the British, this countries would not be as civilized as they are now, for example, India a country with its own believes and culture ended up speaking in English and drinking tea on the afternoon. British influenced had a tremendous impact on India, railroads where made so people could travel better, population growing, communication got better, people where starving, good education was introduced. It did affect India in various way, in my opinion it wasn’t the British right to change the cast system and violate the Indian culture.

By: Ana Chapela

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