Tuesday, June 1, 2010

THE FUTURE? How would the future be like? By : Jacinta Marie Da Silva Correia

Our world is changing more and more every single day. From 200 years ago till now, there has been so many changes that has changed the whole world in every way, like the way of living and the way of believing what humans are made of. Some stuff I the world has improved over the last 200 years and many has brought many problems. What has improved in our society is our technologies. Most of the new inventions has helped our world a lot, but to make all those technologies it causes our earth’s life; we our killing the planet. For example 200 years ago after the Industrial Revolution came the Agriculture Revolution, which made the farmers life a lot easier. Before the seed drill was build the farmers would go on their fields everyday and plant each seed one by one, and maybe in one month they would have planted 100 seeds, but after the seed drill was invented the farmers got to plant more then 100 seeds per day, which made everything work easier. The building of those machines also makes us think back on the story of stuff, all these materials and technologies we are buying is killing the planet. I think that there is a 50% chance the world will end in about 100 years, but there is also another 50% that our world will improve better this time, because we have all started to recycle, and we have all started to realize that we are destroying our planet, every day people all around the world try to find new ways to help the earth, and the new ways to help the poor. I don’t really know what I expect from the future, but I’m excited to see what’s going to happen, if we all start really believing in ourselves, a=nd really try to make our society a better place.

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