Saturday, May 22, 2010

jacinta Socialism vs. Capitalism

Since the Industrial Revolution, two main economic systems have developed; these are capitalism and socialism. In Socialism all members of the economy share benefits; any government that is capable of giving you everything can also get everything away from you. Socialism is basically a planned economy in which the government owns all resources and the wealth is divided up equally. In Capitalism people exploit other people for money. Under capitalism, people put their money into a business and hope they make a profit. An example of what Socialism does to Capitalism is when you come with an idea to get money and the government takes it away and throws it away. Capitalism has three main points: wealth, competition, freedom of enterprise, and profit motive. United States is an example of Capitalism, and Cuba is an example of Socialism. Most of the time Socialism have the poor people and Capitalism has the rich people. Socialism and Capitalism has everything to do with MONEY.

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