Saturday, May 15, 2010

MLK vs. Malcolm X- Phaedra Hanst

I think that Marin Luther King’s views where most effective. He used Ghandi and Henry David’s theories on non-violence. This proved to be effective when protesting against Rosa Parks’ arrest. Martin and the other people supporting the protest decided that they would no longer take the bus, and this put the bus services into bad business, which made them mad and caused them to use violence against the protestors, but they were not allowed to fight back. This worked, because simply by not taking the bus, some bus companies had to shut down, and the law on colored segregation in public transportation was taken away. I personally would have followed Martin Luther King’s views, because they, to me, proved to be the most successful. I think that if you scare someone with violence, you’re going to accomplish less than normal. Some people will obviously think different, as they would say that if Martin would have killed some of the bus’ driver’s then they would have accomplish what they wanted to much faster; and they probably would have, but I think it’s different because they actually worked towards what they wanted and got it honestly and without hurting anyone. I also think that by using violence, it would have created a larger problem. If they killed bus drivers, then their families would come back to kill those people, who would eventually kill more of the families, which would still result in many people dead, and no problem solved.

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