Monday, May 31, 2010

the Future by Ana Chapela

Evolution is permanent therefore society is always going to revolutionize. On the order hand, resources are limited which means that they are going to most likely run out. On that account, society has to get organized and protect the lands and resources.

In today’s life human beings are more attached to technology and machines that is almost like they do everything that a human does, just to make our lives easier. This idea is making most of the humans loose almost all of their abilities. We are moving towards technology. During the renaissance there were so many ideas going out and many people opened their eyes toward new ideas, enlightenment ideas, to improve their daily lives. Soon many people were starting to remove themselves from paying attention to religion; instead their minds were focused on all these new ideas and things that emerge at that time.

Communicating with the Internet, through the cell-phone and the electricity has become a tremendous part of human’s life. It seems like we depend on all of these instruments that we use in our daily lives. Children barely go outside and play with their neighbors, instead, they stay in their house while playing around with their computer. I’m predicting that in the future this world would have more inexperienced people than we have today, since technology is going to do everything for us, we wont have the courage to experience it ourselves

In the case of money, it seems like it is always going to be the same, although it has become an important medium of exchange, it has been involved into our lives and now humans feel like they are related to it. Therefore, the future is going to be filled with spoiled humans.

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