Tuesday, December 1, 2009

letter to wael

Letter to wael
He Wael, man this sucks living here in the woods. I mean we were friends and now we are fighting against each other. Thank god the war is almost over just a few more days’ hate to be in this Gettysburg war. It’s not that I’m afraid of losing because we the north always win. It’s just so hard being a union soldier were sleeping in freaking dog tents at night and sometimes we don’t even get to sleep. Man we showered like some dome guys all together (I felt really gay) but anyways I wasn’t even scared for a little bit, dude!!! You had to see the weapons we used, their freaking incredible; we used canons, nice horses and fast horses, and the best guns ever. We have 97.000 soldiers in our team we had these nice blue uniforms with like a jacket on top and a hat. They were handmade man!!! Not even my normal clothes are handmade! The food wasn’t that bad, they served us: salt pork, water, nuts, jam, corn, and hardtack, and the best was dried beef. I really think the war has to finish already, do you really think after all this we are going to have a better life? We are just killing people, and our life’s are also in danger. Man I can’t wait to get back home to my family, have a warm cup of tea and a whole turkey on the side. Anyways man talk to you later.
Be cool.
General Robert E.

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