Monday, December 14, 2009

Attack on Pear harbor, as it was called by the japanese imperial general headquarters. This was a plan to attack the united states naval base at pearl harbor, Hawaii , On the morning of 7 December 1941. This attack made USA form part of the 2nd world war.
This attack sank 4 U.S navy battleships and damage 4 more. They also sank 4 cruises, 188 aircraft and personnel losses of 2,402 killed and 1,282 wounded.
The Japanese damage were minimal.
The attack was a major engagement of world war II. It took place before formal declaration of war by japan and before the last part of 14-part message had been deliverd to the state department in Washington D.C. After the attack on pearl harbor the Japanese realize that they woke up a sleeping giant, which they pay back for after 4 years.


During world war II , the Second Army and Chugoku Regional Army were headquartered in Hiroshima, and the Army Marine Headquarters was located at Ujina port. The city also had large depots of military supplies, and was a key center for shipping.
The bombing of Tokyo and other cities in Japan during World War II caused widespread destruction and hundreds of thousands of deaths, nearly all civilians. For example toyama , an urban area of 128,000, was nearly fully destroyed, and incendiary attacks on Tokyo are credited with claiming 90,000 lives. There were no such air raids in Hiroshima. However, the threat was certainly there and to protect against potential firebombings in Hiroshima, students (between 11–14 years) were mobilized to demolish houses and create firebreaks.
On Monday, August 6, 1945, at 8:15 AM, the nuclear bomb “little boy” was dropped on Hiroshima by an American B-29 bomber, the Enola gay directly killing an estimated 80,000 people. By the end of the year, injury and radiation brought total casualties to 90,000-140,000. Approximately 69% of the city's buildings were completely destroyed, and about 7% severely damaged.
Research about the effects of the attack was restricted during the occupation, and information censored until the signing of the San Fransico peace treaty in 1951, restoring control to the Japanese.

Much has been written in news reports, novels, and popular culture about Hiroshima in the years after the bombing.

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