Friday, December 11, 2009

Letter to Michael Jackson (Amrit's Project part)

Greetings Mr. Jackson,
How have you been? I am writing this letter to you to tell you, how your music inspires me. Your music inspires me and the world in many different ways. First, of all before I begin, I would like to say, that I am a huge fan of yours! Anyways let’s begin. Some of your music such as “They don’t really care about us” gives me a vision that is showing how the world is changing in many ways. Terrorism is being increased day by day everywhere in the world. Our government is sitting back and relaxing, while innocents are dying every second. That song really made the whole world think.
I saw your documentary about you with Mr. Martin Bashir. I just wanted to say that the first part was really kind of sad, about your father beating you and your brothers with instruments like iron cords, and belts. Now I wanted to ask you a question based on that topic. Why did he do that? I know that you guys must have practiced the dance steps well and did your part, but still he would hit you. What was the reason behind all this?
Do you have any regrets that he used to beat you? I mean do you think it was worth it? Some people would say that’s a stupid question, but some would respond normally. Do you actually think that your father’s beatings and strictness made you who you are now? Its personal question, I know, but it’s up to you if you want to answer it or not.

I read this “Gossip Facts” about you, and there are some facts that was kind of weird and some were very hilarious. In 1984, did your mother did not allow you to go through surgery? The reason why I am asking that is because a girl committed suicide because of that reason. I can’t believe that Mc Hammer challenged you in a dance off! Man he had guts to do that. So did you challenge him in that time? I hope you did, you must have beaten him fair and square.
Mr. Jackson, you have inspired many people in the world. You gave hope to poor and the people who are suffering from sickness. You have inspired kids and teens to get involved into the music industry from your songs such as “Thriller”. My question to you is who has inspired you that made you who you are now? Who inspired you to join the music industry? I know there is someone.
Before I end my letter I have few last moment questions to ask you. As time is flying very fast, your kids are growing up fast. Would you involve your kids into the music industry? Why or why not? What are your plans for the future? Are you going to make more albums? Mr. Jackson, I know this question sounds weird, but I ask some of the people I know this question. Here it goes…. How do you wish to die? I realize it’s a weird question but I just want to know for a fact.
Anyways sir, it was nice writing to you, hope you get a chance to read my letter and reply back to me. Take care sir, and say hi to your kids
From your fan,
Amrit Khatwani

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