Sunday, December 13, 2009


Ricardo izecson leite(kaka) a brazilian soccer player who is currently playing for the biggest team of europe which is real madrid. kaka was born on 22 aprill 1982.
Kaka became church member afert he alomst beocme paralys. He bilieve that god saved his life and he spent the rest of his life dedicated to god. That is what inspire me.

kaka strated his carrer with the age of eight, and signed his first profesional contract with the age of 15 with sao paulo. He joined AC milan after 7 year.
kaka is a tremendus soccer player, he is an genius midfielder. On 8 kune 2009 kaka moved real madird converting his self one of the galaticos of the "equipo merengue".

Most soccer popular like kaka has a wild life, but in kaka's case he is totlally different. He married his wife with the age of 22 and had a sexual relation after his married. kaka is a one of my role model, he is a guy who believe in god and pray. After every goal kaka show his love for god by looking in the sky.
with this project I can show the symobol of my love for god and my essential of faith.

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