Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the future

The future By Hatem

The future is a very important thing, the future is how were going to be next if were going to make any changes or if were going to be better or worse. From 200 years ago we have made many changes we have improved in many things, one of those things is medications. Medications are very important it helps us live longer. If we get sick we go to the doctor and he gives us medicine and after a couple of days we get better. The future is might get worse or better no one knows, we still cant go there and check it out with our technology. We have made so much improvement that in one day we will be able to go to the future and come back and then now what’s going to be next for us what’s going to be our new fight. The future is been a headache to it has changed many lives and gotten the world a worse place in some ways. One of those things is global warming, global warming is very bad for us and it can change this world and make it a very bad place a place that we wouldn’t even be able to stay in it. That’s why the future is bad to. You never know that your going to die in the future or if your going to survive the next day. The future is a great adventure and we should live forward to live it.


Hatem Race

Race is something that distinguishes us humans from each other. There are many races in the world. Race is been classified by skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture. These things change up the human and make them different from each other. An American person will be called a Hispanic or African American or maybe a branca. These racial things can be used by governments and scientifically. Science has been fighting that if a race group have the same traits and if they can do things that other people cant do. May scientist have said that Race is not a real thing because we are homosepians. These are one of the names that of races they call the people Bushmen Negroes Negritoes Melanochroi Australoids Xanthochroid Polynesians Mongoloids Esquimaux. These racial groups are varied around the world now because many people move around the world and they are from different places and than they get married with someone from that place and then they have a new mix, a new kind of people. Many people come back to race and say that im from this place or that place, that makes the people more unique.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

THE FUTURE? How would the future be like? By : Jacinta Marie Da Silva Correia

Our world is changing more and more every single day. From 200 years ago till now, there has been so many changes that has changed the whole world in every way, like the way of living and the way of believing what humans are made of. Some stuff I the world has improved over the last 200 years and many has brought many problems. What has improved in our society is our technologies. Most of the new inventions has helped our world a lot, but to make all those technologies it causes our earth’s life; we our killing the planet. For example 200 years ago after the Industrial Revolution came the Agriculture Revolution, which made the farmers life a lot easier. Before the seed drill was build the farmers would go on their fields everyday and plant each seed one by one, and maybe in one month they would have planted 100 seeds, but after the seed drill was invented the farmers got to plant more then 100 seeds per day, which made everything work easier. The building of those machines also makes us think back on the story of stuff, all these materials and technologies we are buying is killing the planet. I think that there is a 50% chance the world will end in about 100 years, but there is also another 50% that our world will improve better this time, because we have all started to recycle, and we have all started to realize that we are destroying our planet, every day people all around the world try to find new ways to help the earth, and the new ways to help the poor. I don’t really know what I expect from the future, but I’m excited to see what’s going to happen, if we all start really believing in ourselves, a=nd really try to make our society a better place.
Global Leadership by: Jacinta Da Silva Correia

In history class we have had great conversations about the global leadership. We have had discussions about our great leaders like Chairman Mao Zedong, President Richard Nixon, General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, Nelson Mandela, and Fidel Castro, and they all had their own way of leading. None of them leaded the same, Mao, president Nixon and Leonid were different type of leaders then Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro, because Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro were revolutionary leaders. The Leader that has interest me the most is Chairman Maso Zadong. Chairman Mao is the founder of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and one of the founders of the Chinese Communist party in 1921. I learned that one of the most fundamental things in leadership is listening. He was a very successful man that many people followed and listened too, but there were also some people that hated him. “To Be Attacked by the Enemy Is Not a Bad Thing but a Good Thing” is a famous quote he used to say that interested me a lot.

Monday, May 31, 2010

the Future by Ana Chapela

Evolution is permanent therefore society is always going to revolutionize. On the order hand, resources are limited which means that they are going to most likely run out. On that account, society has to get organized and protect the lands and resources.

In today’s life human beings are more attached to technology and machines that is almost like they do everything that a human does, just to make our lives easier. This idea is making most of the humans loose almost all of their abilities. We are moving towards technology. During the renaissance there were so many ideas going out and many people opened their eyes toward new ideas, enlightenment ideas, to improve their daily lives. Soon many people were starting to remove themselves from paying attention to religion; instead their minds were focused on all these new ideas and things that emerge at that time.

Communicating with the Internet, through the cell-phone and the electricity has become a tremendous part of human’s life. It seems like we depend on all of these instruments that we use in our daily lives. Children barely go outside and play with their neighbors, instead, they stay in their house while playing around with their computer. I’m predicting that in the future this world would have more inexperienced people than we have today, since technology is going to do everything for us, we wont have the courage to experience it ourselves

In the case of money, it seems like it is always going to be the same, although it has become an important medium of exchange, it has been involved into our lives and now humans feel like they are related to it. Therefore, the future is going to be filled with spoiled humans.

The Future - Elizabeth Anne Edwards

Normally when we’re asked what the future will be like, we automatically think of things like The Jetsons, I, Robot, and Star Trek. As strange as it may seem, many aspects of these futuristic depictions are pretty accurate, especially if we continue our current actions.

With the way we keep progressing, technology can only become more and more advanced and more and more awesome! Who knows what the future will hold? Hover boards, robot friends, solar powered automobiles, surrogates, paper-thin computers, and fully automated/computerized homes will most likely come about seeing as they already have the technology for some of these things now. And as for the environment…well…I’m hoping that we’ll become more eco-friendly. We have a long way to go, but people are realizing the damage we’ve done and are taking little steps to better our planet. So, I think we will definitely “save the Earth” in a sense. Natural resources are definitely going to be the main source of power, whether it’s solar, wind, water, or heat. We’re going to have to realize sooner or later that they’ve been right in front of us for centuries and now we have the ability to use them wisely and efficiently. Since we’ve used money for so long, it probably won’t go away anytime soon or later, but credit/debit cards are for sure going to be used more often. Space exploration will definitely shoot up. It’ll get better and better. They’ll have a newer and faster way of getting to certain places in outer space, but the main possibility is exploring all the other planets. As human beings, we’re just so curious, and we’ll never know what we’ll find, so we won’t be able to help ourselves. Power may just be something we can take into our own hands. Maybe as time goes on we won’t need so many leaders. Then again we’ve been led for countless years, so we could just go “mad” when we’re given all this freedom and power. Relationships are a tricky thing to figure out, especially in the future. A lot of the times, we humans are very predictable, almost a little too predictable. Though, for the most part, we are very unpredictable. A relationship (all kinds of relationships) is something that really depends on the people you’re dealing with. It’s in their own hands. What else will the future have in store for us? Or better yet, what’s really going to happen? We can’t know for sure. Oh well…I guess we’ll have to just wait and see.

The Future - Elie Weinstein

What does the future of Earth hold for civilization? Will we fly or teleport to school, have brain chips, prosthetic limbs, duplicates, and communicate with extra terrestrial beings? With all the discoveries, inventions, and achievements that have been made over the past 50 to 100 years, there is no telling exactly how life will be in the future. Due to our achievements and technologies, the evolution of civilization is accelerating more because our findings and technologies have made it easier to further create and discover. If this trend continues, then I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for humanity.
The world’s greatest unsolved problems include but are not limited to the environment, terrorism, nuclear threats, HIV/AIDS, and poverty. The only way to solve these problems in order to have a promising future is if all states cooperate towards common goals, which should include future plans to reorganize the UN as well change many of its policies. To start off, countries need to shift rapidly from using resources such as oil and coal that power technology to safer, cleaner, and more reliable sources such as nuclear power. This would indirectly prevent the already poverty-stricken nations from falling into a black hole of disease and starvation as a result of global warming having negative effects on crops, bodies of water, and animals–and it would solve several other important issues.
The world may be a bit stuck and in danger at the moment; regardless, I envision a bright future for most of us. The global climate change hype will cool down within 20 or so years because most countries would have already made the big switch to sustainable and renewable energy sources. Terrorist attacks could grow and may pose a bigger threat to the world in coming years due to Iran’s (a major supporter of terrorism) nuclear program, yet at the same time the power of terrorist organizations could shrink simply because in 50 years or more, leaders like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Osama Bin Laden, Hugo Chavez, and Muammar al-Gadaffi will have fortunately passed away. At the same time, the world could collapse within a very small amount of time from now due to the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear plans and its support for terrorism, which could lead to a WWIII. As of now, it feels as if the world is in a second Cold War, and the close tie between Iran and Venezuela is similar to that of the USSR and Cuba. Ahmadinejad will probably use Venezuela as a base for the nuclear weapons he is currently trying to develop under the pretense that he is creating nuclear “energy.”
Technology will play an even bigger role in the future than it already does. We won’t see flying cars, but cars will be driven by a computer–this is not a radical idea; right now there are cars in production that can park themselves. In terms of computing and mobile technology, the future is looking brilliant. Mobile devices are going to be even more sophisticated; smart-phones will not only include media, music, etc. but as well as identification, your finances, keys, you will be able to have conference calls on your cell phone, and mobile devices will react to and gather data from the environment. Apart from communication and such, technology will also be involved in health and our bodies. In the future, we could have prosthetic limbs or suits that make us stronger; we have already developed electronic pills that can record and get footage of what happens in our bodies. Sadly however, we will probably learn to depend on such technologies and not be able to function without them, just as we have become so dependent on medicine, computers, and the Internet. There is no telling what the future is going to look like; it depends on the decisions made by the international community and world leaders.